lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Yeah yeah yeah.

So. It's Christmas Eve. Someone texted me this morning with "Merry Christmas". I think they're confused. My piece of shit phone doesn't tell me who sent it. As you may or may not remember, my other more decent cellular device drowned in apple juice in my purse one day. It was a sad day for all involved: me, my purse, my phone and the applejuice. Not to mention Danny and my brother who had to get napkins from the Napkin-Nazi at Pretzel time who was viewing the scene and still gave me ONE napkin. Bitch.

Anyway, I need a new phone.

I have been waking up with the worst sore throats the past 2 mornings. I take Advil Flu and it starts to go away, but I still have that tight feeling in my chest that makes me feel like I need to cough. I really don't much care for winter nor being sickly.

I'm all emo and shit. The weather has been downright dreary and altough sometimes it seems relaxing, others I just get all blah and I sit on the computer with some sad K@zaa mix I made with songs like 'Tunnel of Love' by Bruce Springstein, 'Wicked Game' by Chris 1saak, 'Sweet J@ne' by The Cowboy Junkies, I Can't Make You Love Me' by Bonnie Raitt, 'Long December' by Counting Cr0ws and 'Mandolyn Rain' by Bruce Hornsby. I'm strange. I turn on the heater and curl up with a blanket and watch episodes of S1x Feet Under and think about what I should be cleaning instead of laying about.

I talked to Dave last night on the phone for a bit and that was fun. B called me this morning to let me know that his girlfriend (with whom he speaks to approx. once a month) has moved into his house. I can't help but think about Danny and what he's going to be doing for Christmas. I'll probably give him a call in a bit to make sure he's not too down in the dumps.

All the girls at work liked their gifts yesterday. I went to C0st Plus and got them each a different scented candle with a little mosaic mirror candle coaster and matching drawstring bags. All of the candles smell delightful and I was so proud of myself for not buying one of each for myself. I get so selfish when its time for me to shop for others. But I did good this time. I promise. And I think my boss is really going to like "A Christas St0ry". He had never seen it so I bought it for him on DVD. Can you believe he had NEVER seen or even heard of that movie? Poor man. He's in for a treat.

Okay. Enough bla bla bla for now.

11:55 am - Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003


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