lydibug's Diaryland Diary


They actually leave their doors unlocked...

If I don't get a haircut soon, I'm going to do it myself. And it will still be better than what I've got going on right now. It's awful. The curse of the short hair. When you have super short hair, its relaly easy to tell that you haven't had it maintained. And then the roots. Urgh. Do you realize how tacky I feel with lighter roots... EW. White trash extravaganza 2000. And I think I've been watching far too much 'Trading Spaces' because I had a dream that one of the designer girls also owned a salon and I went there and she hooked it up. Pathetic I tell you. Simply pathetic.

I am moving to Canada. And I'm marrying Marilyn Manson. Well, no. That's an exageration. But sometimes I think it'd be the right thing to do. I watched 'Bowling for Columbine' with Danny last night at Towne 3. That movie was one of the best documentary films I think I've ever seen. If its playing near you and you haven't already, GO SEE IT. Its really an eye opening experience. America is hostile. Guns are bad.

My boss irritates the shit out of me. He drank my Red Bull that I was saving for mornings like these. I found the empty can in the back office. Fucker. He was also bugging the shit out of me the other day when I had the flu and he wanted my gym key. WTF dude? Lay off. Moody bastard. So inefficient too.

I AM DOING SO WELL IN SCHOOL!!! I totally loved this last holiday weekend. It gave me the extra day I needed to get back on top of things. My web design teachers are lovin' me. I did well on my CIS midterm, my GD class is really slow and most of the classes are online and the projects are getting more fun, Bio still has a test this Wednesday, but such is life. I am really proud of myself. Really proud. YAY! *Patting myself on the back*

My tummy hurts. Its a weird hurt. Like, where you feel your guts. You know how it feels if you poke your finger into your tummy and you can feel your actually innards and your innards are telling you that its uncomfortable and that you should stop? Well, it feels like that. All the time. I wonder if its just from having been sick and laying in bed all day for nearly two days. Hmmm....

Yesterday was so fun. Danny went to work breifly and when he got home I was all showered and boo-ful. I didn't work out because Danny had taken my keys with him, but that was the worst part. We went to the Great Mall and ate at Outback. Then we went and shopped a little and I got the cutest shirts at the Guess outlet and Anchor Blue. They had these really cute retro shirts at Anchor Blue and one even had a ladybug on it!! Then at Guess, there was one with a little sailor pinup girl. Had to have that one, too. So after I subjected Danny to that it was my turn. We went to San Jose Blue Jeans which is this super ghetto store that only sells Dickies, Ben Davis, and Levi's clothing. He got himself some pants and he was happy. And we finally solved the mystery of the illusive black 501's; turns out they've discontinued them. Ain't that a bitch.

Anyway, then we went to Baskin Robins and got 'the fattenings' and then off to the movies. It was great I tell you. Just great!

I finished the second half of this email after I had a rather tense conversation with my boss about what a dick he was being so I kinda lost my mind set. Don't ya just hate it when that happens?

I'm going to go now. I'm having problems multi-tasking.

10:27 am - Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003


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