lydibug's Diaryland Diary



Oh man.

Any little glitch in my body chemistry results in strange occurrences. i.e. adding antibiotics for one thing causes other things to malfunction. Bugger.

I need cute email address suggestions. I want to be [somethingcuteand/orclever], and I find myself running short on good ideas as of late. Things to consider: I�m artsy, I�m bitchy, I�m really fair skinned, and I�m the bug� of course. So go with that. Then sign my guestbook and tell me all of your wonderful thoughts and ideas.

I had cookies and coke for breakfast. Yummy! And nutritious! I�m such a pig. I am poor and I was simply making use of what we have to eat here at work. I have garlic hummus, but nothing to eat it with.

Skuba Steve welded a back piece onto my bike rack (it was missing) and is going to cut out a little ladybug on the back! Isn�t that rad? All customized and shit. Wow. I think since I was so severely deprived of pens, pencils, toothbrushes, stamps, stickers and other various �personalized� items as a child, I must customize everything now. Like Gwen. Or maybe its just because of Gwen. HA HA HA! No, its because nothing ever said LYDIA. EVER. Bastards.

I took a series of random and blurry pictures (much like my vision and memory that evening) of Friday nights debauchery, but since I won�t pay diaryland and I can�t get my FTP for my own website to work, I have nowhere to upload them and so therefore cannot show you. I tried sending them to max, but his work email is a bitch and doesn�t let anything through and for some reason its not showing up on gmail either. I�m such a lop when it comes to understanding these things. And the sad part is that its really not all that difficult. I probably just need to make the file size smaller. But I zipped them and they still didn�t work. Enough rambling.

I went to Santa Cruz last night for a delightful halibut dinner, a spirit or two, and a little Six Feet Under. My favorite show ever. I watch far too much tele. But that�s what I get for being hungover and unable to move. Anyway, dinner was great. I have this best friend from high school whom I no longer get along with whose parents I adore and get along with famously. They TiVo�d it while they were in Europe, so we sat and watched 3 episodes. The season finale was last night, but we�re saving that for next week. Gawd. Sometimes I read what I write and can�t believe how loserish I sound and wonder why I still have any friends.

Or do I?

I wonder how Neko-licious is doing in the big apple. I wonder if she�s having fun. Of course. How can you not? I HEART NY.

Skuba bugs the shit out of me sometimes. He�s like a needy child that doesn�t know when to shut up. Then he goes and redeems himself somehow. Half cool, half challenging and annoying. Hmmm.

Okay. I have to work. Iloveyougoodbye.

11:21 am - Monday, Sept. 13, 2004


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