lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Well, whattaya know...

*Typing very delicately so as not to chip my freshly painted nails (Jane's "Hot Blooded" FYI)*


I've come to a decision. I might go ahead and divulge if and when I am scheduled to appear on that wretched television program. But they�re gonna have to decide if I�m broadcast worthy first. I�ll keep you up to date.

Today started out totally shitty, and has ended up to be the most wonderful day.

Guess what my boss did�

He bought me plane tickets for my birthday. I�m going down to San Diego from the 5th of September until the 8th. And he plopped his credit card right down in front of me and told me to treat myself. True, I�ll be missing two days of work, which means the company actually gets the better deal seeing as how the plane tickets were only 133.00. But still, wasn�t that nice? Especially after the kind of morning we had. He ripped up an invoice I had written thinking it was another (voided) one. I had to re-write the thing and he grew impatient with me and used what little leverage he has to make my morning just that much shittier. But then he went and got us all Mexican food and paid for my tickets.

We run hot and cold with one another. What it basically boils down to is that I�m a spoiled brat, as is he. We�re equally stubborn and equally good at what we do (respectively) and when we get into it, its usually pretty ugly. But we try to do what we can when we�re on good terms to let the other person know that we do appreciate them. It�s an odd relationship here with my co-workers/employers, but we make it work. Everyone usually wins. �Cept the customers. Poor saps. He he�

So. My belly�s full. My trip is paid for. My nails are painted. The boy is coming up this weekend. My neighbor invited me over for dinner tonight. My mom and I went to Target last night and bought some organizational items for my closets to make room for future roommates. All and all, my life is pretty fuckin� rad. Minus the being totally broke and a little on the flabby side. But its all good. I hate that expression. But in this case, it seemed appropriate. Plus, I�m ghetto fabulous with a necklace that says my name, so I get those privileges.

That was so cute that my neighbor invited me over for dinner. I got a message on my machine, even though she�s right next door, so as to make it a little more official I suppose. She�s thinking about making halibut. We�re supposed to all go to the store together; me, Monica and her friend Heidi. I�m not used to such neighborly acts of kindness. Although I did let her use my house the other day when she locked herself out of her apartment and needed to use both my phone, phonebook, and whatever else she needed. I left it unlocked when I took off so that she could have access to the bathroom or whatever. Ain�t I a sweeeeety? HA! Good one.

Anyhoo- The weather here is gorgeous and I wish I could be outside right now. Lounging.

I cleaned like a maniac yesterday. We�re talking the whole nine. Vaccuming, dusting, dish washing, laundry, you name it. I even Comet-ed my sink and bathtub. I took each and every dish off of my little dish rack thing and windexed the glass shelves and made sure all of my bowls and plates and glasses were sparkling. I cleaned all my mirrors and even washed the little throw pillows on my couch. Talk about anal. My mom calls me

�Monica Gellar�� from Friends. We�re dorky like that. What can I say. OH! But speaking of addictive sitcoms, the first season of Will & Grace is now out on DVD. Tempting�. Soooo tempting.

I also registered for my classes yesterday. I have to be full time so I signed up for cool/useless classes like ceramics and intermediate photography. I LOOOOOVE photography. I�m stoked. I also am taking the classes I need of course. Motion Graphics and another Graphic Design course. After this its only 2 more classes I need before I get my degree and transfer. I sure am taking my sweet time. But hey, its hard working and being a full time student. Dammit.

Okay. I should go be productive.


yeah right.

P.S.Speaking of beoing spoiled, I want this:

1:31 pm - Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003


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