lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Spider Rolls and Roaches

Good morning my darlings.

Ky comes today. Weeeee!

Hope all of my East Coasters are well lit this beautiful sunny day. My pobrecitos. How scary it must have been. Or at least chaotic. Strange.

I parallel parked like a champ this morning. But now I'm going to have to pull an Austin Powers to get out of there. Meh.

Lots of random thoughts floating about in my head this morning.

Mostly I'm tired and hungry because I neglected to both eath and take my happy special vitamin this morning. GNC's Ultra Mega Women's Formula vitamin. Grrrr!

I went out to dinner with my neighbor, Monica, and her friend, Heidi, last night. It was really nice. Except for the drama before and after. Let me explain.

I get a call from her around 4:30 asking if I'm home from work yet. I explain that I don't get off until 5 and that I had forgotten to mention the chiropractor appt. that was going to make me later than expected for dinner. That was fine, but management was coming over for something and she wanted to know if she could stash her kitty in my apartment while they were in there. Sure fine.

So I go to my appointment (after this lady was trying to sell me shit at my office for like, an hour... biotch) and I get home and as I'm pulling in, the owner of the building and her big fat black Lexus SUV were in the driveway. I had never met this lady before, but I was being smiley and happy for some strange reason. She then proceded to tell me that the girl, Monica, in H, was having a "bug" problem (um, ew)but that it was getting taken care of and that Catherine, the lady that was the property manager had not hhandled the problem and that she was "not working out for [them]" and that she was getting let go. WOW. So lets recap: Large bugs, women fired, cat smuggling. Okay. I just wanted to go out to dinner.

So it turns out, there are huge roaches coming thru a hole in Monica's wall. She's moving in across the hall to get out of her apartment. The guys apartment that she's moving into hasn't paid his rent for this month. Neither has the guy next door to him who has an eviction notice on his door and who hasn't been home for the past few days, and who's kitty meows and meows like crazy and who I think has been abandoned.

SO. I called the cities Animal Care and Services and reported it this morning. I just couldn't listen to that poor little baby meow all alone in there any longer.

On a happier note, dinner at the Sushi place was awesome.

DRAMA FOR YO' MAMMA! WTF? I was happy as a clam in my bug free apartment with my quiet neighbors and my kitties and then BOOM! But whatever.

Ignorance is bliss.

Oh, but today is pay day!! Not a lot of pay mind you, but enough. I have 40 dollars to my name right now. People have been more than generous with my broke ass. They keep inviting me out to dinner though... gee whiz.

Hopefully my friend Walker, who's in town from Santa Barbara won't want to go anywhere too fancy. I met him in Maine a few years back. He's awesome. He's headed up to Humboldt today to visit my old best friend, Kristen, and hopefully he'll have time to come kick it before he has to go back to school. This kid'll have ya in stitches! Good times. Good times.

Okay. No more random thoughts. This entry is spent.


10:00 am - Friday, Aug. 15, 2003


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