lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Stop. Please. I'm going to hurl.

Things are so fucking hectic lately.

Right now it sounds like there's a tornado about to roll through town. Leaves are blowing everywhere and there are all kinds of palm tree pieces and other debris in the middle of the streets that you have to dodge all dramatically and shit. It's fun.

But yeah. My life right now is like a hurricane.

SO MUCH TO DO. So little cash to do it with. Not to mention too little time.

I paid all of my pending bills today though... so that was good. Credit card, cable, newspaper, pg&e, phone/internet... I think that was all.

I went and had lunch with Justin, which was amazing as usual. I'm so glad to have him back on the East Side of San Hizzie, no matter how short a visit it may be. He's such a wonderful person. It's like, you're constantly on the verge of finding out what his big wonderful secret of happiness and love and joy is... you always feel like... I don't know. I can just sit and listen to him for hours.

My Egyptian/Irish friend Adam is supposed to have a discussion with my brother today about getting into some real hoity toity little highschool and after that I'm gonna go hang out with him. Not sure what we're going to do. More than anything tonight I just want to go down to Trials (rad little pub down the street) and have a beer or two.

I am so broke. I still have all of this holiday party bullshit to do. Purse, shoes, jewelry, nails, hair, makeup. Budget = $20. Fuck.

I took a crap load of stuff down to the dry cleaners today included my duvet which got ripped by kitty. That was good. I need to do a lot more laundry but its too cold and rainy and windy to be hauling stuff up and down stairs in and out of the building. I also made my hair appointment today.

Yesterday I turned in my last school project for the quarter and my teacher totally loved it... Even though there were all kinds of things wrong with it and it was so simple. Apparently I don't know my left from my right. They bought it. Cool. I also went to the transfer center and got some information, registered for classes, went to the health center for some free goods, and put in half a day at work.

The printer my old boss told me to go to keeps jerking me around and these fucking gift certificates are never going to get done. I probably won't even end up charging. Sonofabitch.

MAN. Someone stop this crazy thing! I want to get off!

I miss Wevvie.

3:18 pm - Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003


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