lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Motorized Stalker

I've got numbers to do. Since when am I the accountant. Every time they do this to me. It fucking sucks. Im rebelling by writing in my diary instead. HA HA HA. So there.

So yesterday I took the bio test. I think I did ok. I got my mind off of the crunch because the test was prefaced by a run in with an old highschool buddy and a handicapped stalker.

This guy in one of those motorized wheel chairs followed me all the way across campus (to get Red Bull) and all the way back. And I was walking really quickly man. But he stayed on my trail. I was trying to not look back cuz I could hear his wheelchair jammin over rocks and stuff; the little motor speeding up and slowing down so as not to come into my field of view, but stay just close enough to watch my J-Lo booty power walking across campus to get my fix before class. I saw Tommy and stopped to talk to him for about 5 minutes and the guy was circling like a motorized vulchar on wheels. Then I tried to lose him by talking to one of my classmates who was having a cigarette break. He was still hot on the trail. Finally I had one last swig to take in front of my class. While I stood next to the recycling trash bin thingie he went in for the kill. He wheeled up along the side, gathered up all of his courage, and his best (still very hard to understand) voice he proclaimed his love: "You're a cutie." I smiled my most polite and embarassed smile and he quickly wheeled away. Gone just as quickly and randomly as he had appeared. I must admit, I was a bit flattered that he would go to all of this trouble just to tell me 3 words, but at the same time, just cuz you're 'special' doesn't give you an excuse to stalk me. And what freaks me out is that I've seen him many times before and now I'm wondering how many other times he's followed me... more subtley. Like a wild beast stalking its prey from behind tall blades of dry grass and weeds. Hmmmm.....

But yeah. I think I did alright on the test. And while Danny was at band practice I had him ask Tom to tutor me in web design stuff. I think he agreed. I just have to give him a call. I hope it works out better than Matt did.

Ok. I'm starving. I better dive into this project before mi patron arrives.

Love you doll faces!

p.s. In response to the guestbook entry that told me to use the stairs next time, I would like to let everyone know that I tried. I'm probably going to hell but I tried. When I came out from buying the redbull, he totally spotted me (because he was going in circles around the building) and slammed on his little brakes and turned around. I tried to avoid him and dodged to the right up some more stairs but he was at the bottom by the time I got there. Swift little bastard!

9:18 am - Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003


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