lydibug's Diaryland Diary


The way it used to be...

I allow myself to be swallowed whole by school. I wrote an entry about this yesterday but it was all promptly erased when I pushed the "DONE!" button and it was sent into the oblivion that is cyberspace. But yeah, I just feel so behind all the time. Like I can never get ahead of the game. In all things really, but with school its the worst.

The Landmark Forum was the worst thing that could have happened when it did. It put me behind and screwed up my whole Virgo, ahead of the game, perfectly organized, know exactly whats going on at all times "thing". Timing truly is everything. The only was I was on track was the fact that I ordered my books through Amazon a week ahead of time and everyone else was in a state of panic because neither the school bookstore or the local book retailers had the book the teacher required. He he. Suckers.

Web pages are hard. I don't know all this unix linux whatever the fuck stuff and code is something I'm still green on. I have this space reserved special just for me, I just have to figure out how to get something onto it. Which means I have to read all of these books and find the chapter that says, CHAPTER 16-"Here DUMMY! This is how you do it. It's really not all that hard."

If any of you have any pearls of internet/html/xtml/coding/unix wisdom that you wish to bestow upon me, that would be grrreat. If now, thats fine too. I just have to learn it one way or another.

Life is boring right now. Its school and work and workouts and lack of money and parties. I really wish I was 16 again. Getting rediculously drunk and or stoned and passing out in my friends car on the way to her house. Fighting with her for the bathroom cuz we're both about to wet our pants from all of the 40's we just downed. Both of us not making it and then laughing for hours about it and making fun of eachother. Summer nights. Porch swings. Loud stereos. Swimming. Having to take the bus to the mall and actually having enough money to spend there.

At least I'm still cute. Chubby, but cute. And I have nice teeth. And hair. Ok, I feel a little bit better.

I think its because I've been paying more attention to the news lately than I normally do. The news should be called, "The most depressing thing you can watch" show. And where is Laci Peterson anyway? I'm really sad about that. She was 8 months pregnant. Sad sad.

And then my sink plugger upper nob thing broke this morning. And our landlords don't know we have kitties so I can't call them to fix it unless I want to pay $500 bucks per kitty. Damn. That sucks.

But now I have to go potty and talk to Sean.

Ok. Bye bye.

9:04 am - Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003


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