lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Dreaming of Me


DEFINITION: thin and bony

EXAMPLE: The actress's gaunt frame led the press to speculate that she was anorexic.

SYNONYMS: lean, spare, skinny, scrawny, lank

That which I am not. I am contemplating whether or not I should -

A: Go to the gym right now

B: Start House Cleaning

C: Get started on homework

D: All of the above

I have a bio test Monday, something I don't understand due Sunday, things due February 10th to catch up on (seeing as how my "Data Star" designs weren't quite up to par), and lots of people that I feel like calling.

I woke up this morning and called over to Ray and Suzie's house. I don't do this often. Every few months if that. I think the last time I called was over a year ago. Let me explain. Ray is my ex boyfriend. Suzie was at first just his roommate but now they're all but married. Suzie never ever answers the phone but I guess Ray was at work. Either way, I wasn't calling to talk to either of them. I wanted to talk to my friend Mike who lives there from time to time when his latest relationship hasn't tied him to monthly rent in an apartment he and the flavor of the month share. He called on Christmas and I had yet to return his call. I pass their street every time I go to my mom's and am ever so tempted to holler-up to 'em but never bother cuz I know Danny is kinda sketch about the whole thing. Plus it is just kinda a weird dynamic. But whatever.

What prompted this was a dream I had about hanging out with the both of them last night. In my dream I looked really hot and we were all walking around looking all good. It was fun. We felt like hot shit. Then I woke up to a headache, a sore throat, a tummy ache and cat whiskers in my face.

My aunt is asking if I'm agnostic. I think so. I've never really had any in depth conversation with her before. We first got started talking about our asses and now we're discussing God. We're talking about beauty and simplicity. I think they're one in the same. I confess, the one thing I really need to do is simplify. But then there would be nothing to write about in diaryland. No, thats not true. Just happy things. And thats the way it should be.

Regardless, at the moment I find myself being pulled in several different directions and remaining in front of my computer. Someone needs to teach me how exactly an FTP works and how exactly I can use it to get what I need. Any volenteers? Please...

I thought I would have more to write about when I sat in front of the computer this morning but I find myself realizing its all mindless dribble regarding yesterdays wonderings. To work and to the flower store with my boss. He and I are like brother and sister. We hate eachother 80% of the time, but when we get along we laugh and have fun conversations and give eachother a hard time. It could be worse.

My kitties are scampering about to the sound of the Cardigans. My choice of Saturday morning listening music.

I think I'll clean house. I have tomorrow to study as well. It will all work out.

I hope the word "HELLA" gets phased out really soon. Chris used it the other day in the form of "Hell of" and it made me wince. Anyway. Thats all.

11:20 am - Saturday, Jan. 25, 2003


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