lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Saturday Rant


I am home today doing a number of things: laundry, dishes, other various forms of housework.

I had to sit down at the computer for second to see what the museum hours were for the Center Center on the Stanford University Campus. Tomorrow from 11-5. Good to know.

I still find myself constantly putting things off until the last minute.

Other more fun things to do on the agenda for this weekend: Shopping for undies, getting my eyebrows waxed, hanging out with Ryan tonight, watching my cat knead a stuffed bear and giggling at him as he "makes sweet slow love" to it, snuggling, going to see 'Walk the Line' (CAN'T WAIT)

I miss having the time to write in this thing.

Work has been fucking nuts. And now, in all of my brokeness, the holidays are about to roll around. But that's okay because H & M is opeing up in San Francisco and I am so excited I could pee myself. Everytime I leave New York I leave with about one additional suitcase full of H & M clothing and accessories. You know what, H & M opening so close by is actually a bad thing because that's where all of my money is going to go... on myself.


That line of reasoning backfired, didn't it?

Last night I went to a candle party. Yes. I got suckered in by one of my coworkers. And all the girls from work showed up. One coworker in particular (one with a certain eating disorder) passed out on the couch and could barel form sentences. It was rather scary. We were all a little worried, especially due to the fact that she would stuff her face and make repeated trips to the bathroom for an extended period of time and then stumble back to the couch only to pass out agin.


So then I head out to Hyde Park to hang with the cool kids and a girl friend of mine reveals that she just went through a VERY traumatizng (to put it mildly) ordeal about a month ago and we both ended up in tears.

THEN! I come home and at about 1:30 in the morning this lame-o I dated for about a month calls me up out of the blue (he had stopped calling about 3 weeks ago so I had just gotten on with my life... no biggie) and apologizes and wants to take me to dinner.

Sorry buddy. That ship has sailed. I was swept off my feet by Mr. Ryan and he's got it all over you, assface.

My kittens are grooming eachother. I love it when they do that. THey get all snuggly with eachother and purrrrrr and look adorable.

Anyway. Yesterday was just really odd.

And now I need to go do stuff so that I don't feel like my day was a waste.

Hey. I am going to have a sidewalk sale. Anybody got any tips? I need to sell some shit and I've got a week to put this thing together.

Advice people. I need some advice.

Peace out.

OH! P.S. This was me on Halloween! YAY FOR ME!

3:11 pm - Saturday, Nov. 12, 2005


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