lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Brand New Day...

Just got back from spending almost two hours in the gym. YAY ME! Yay Alicia for waking me up and getting me there. She's so good. She's my little trooper. She calls me at 10 on the dot: "I'm here!" She's my little fat-burning angel.

We were in there chugging away for about an hour when the San Jose State kids come in with their cell phones and their boom box and start bumping high-energy house techno stuff that I was forced to listen to for 4 years during highschool. At first I was really annoyed, but then I realized that that music is designed to help you GO GO GO. It really does help get you into a rythm so that it feels more like you're dancing than working out. Thats probably what got me to stay in there that extra hour. It was actually pretty fun. And I'm even on my rag!(Too much information...)

So yeah, our NYE party was a hit. Everyone keeps telling me how much fun they had. I'm so glad. I'm one of those hostesses that worries if everyone has somewhere to sit, if they're warm or cold, if they've had enough to eat or drink, if they've been introduced to everyone, etc. etc. etc. But I'm trying to break out of that and just enjoy myself. Everyone always loves the apartment and provides for a positive enough atmosphere on its own. And I must admit my apartment is pretty cool. Even if it is tiny.

So I really don't want to go back to school or work. I just don't. I need to think of it more positively, but I just can't. Not work anyway. School is fine. I'm taking bio, web design, and graphic design 54a or soem shit. It should be totally fun. Hopefully I'll do really well again this quarter. But work. Ugh. It's slow and I seem to be arguing with my bosses all the time. I just know the company is going down the toilet and its just not a very happy place. Everyone's worried about how tight money is and about the economy picking back up. And as close as it is to home, and as beneficial as it is to my becoming an successful graphic designer, I just can't seem to get myself to want to stay. I wonder if I should start looking for another job. Hmmm....

And then that Landmark Forum thing. I have to take even more time off of work to attend. Money doesn't grow on trees you know. But supposedly this is going to be such a life changing experience that 3 days of my time is nothing in exchange for the positive outlook I'm going to have on life. I'm sceptical, but its FREE and I'm going. I think its January 10, 11, 12 and 14th. We skip a day in there to reflect on life or something. Start to look for a change in me around that time. I'll just be all sugar and spice. No more piss and vinegar. He he.

I have to start taking down the Christmas tree soon so that I stop thinking its December still. I don't know why it seems hard for me to accept the new year. Maybe I'm trying to hold on to something. Maybe I've just been dwelling on my own mortality a lot more that I should lately. WTF. It's weird.

I need to shower cuz I'm gross and salty. Peace out.

12:31 pm - Thursday, Jan. 02, 2003


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