lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Life Lessons

I have been comissioned by one of my friends to take pictures of his band today. I don't know how much to charge them, though. What do you think I should charge? 40? 50? 20? Let me know if you have any ideas.

It's funny cuz he's in one of those Tex-Mex Banda sounding groups. I don't know if you have to be from California or Texas to get that, but its just so funny, cuz even though I'm whiter than white on the outside, I'm brown on the inside. He he. I do have a necklace with my name on it. :o)

I'm going to help my little brother with his homework today too. My mom asked me to help them out a little with that seeing as how he's doing so poorly this year. Being 13 must be nice. For my brother anyway. He's that popular jock kid. I always hated those kids.

In other news, I went to the girly doctor the other day and he decided that I should try out the birth control patch. I'm semi excited about this. Hoping it will work. I suck at remember to take a pill everyday, and never wanted to try depo. So hopefully this will be a nice happy medium.

I also have an appointment to go get some new lenses for my glasses. But then I'm so tempted to get new frames as well. Oh, decisions decisions. Knowing me, I'll fall in love with the most expensive frames in the store. Yeah. I'll just get my lenses replaced.

I'm reading this book right now about the Black Dahlia murder and I can't put it down. (That was just a random thought I figured I'd include)

Soooooo. Yeah. Ky is now living down in Pacific Grove with his mother instead of up here with me as orginally planned. I freaked out, what can I say? I realized, WTF? I'm a twenty something chick with a bitchin pad. I don't need a roommate. I'm doing just fine. I like my own little place. I like my privacy and my space. I like tha fact that when I put something somewhere, there's nobody around to move it and lose it. Or throw away stuff that I really needed. Or stink up the place. Yeah. It's alright. I like it.

This whole thing with Danny and I re-entering eachothers lives has just been really amazing. I realize how wonderful a person he is and how much he makes me laugh. I know that both he and Ky still have a lot of growing and maturing to do, and right now, I can honestly say that I'm ready to just take it slow and see how things work themselves out.

It's been one peak and one valley right after another though. Lots of tears and confusion over the past week. But all and all, I'm really happy with how things are working out. Broke and unemployed and happy.

I went to see my family last night. I was going just to have dinner with my Aunt and Uncle, but ended up seing my cousin Desi (and her adorable Ikea-d out new place) and my other Aunt and Uncle. It was so nice. It had been ages since I'd seen them. Family is great.

I woke up this morning to the realization that Fall is coming. It's been hotter than hell outside for the past 3 or so days and this morning it was blustery and bright and wonderful. I love fall.

12:13 pm - Monday, Sept. 15, 2003


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