lydibug's Diaryland Diary



Oh. Hello. You must be Diaryland.

Sorry for the delay between entries... (Max)... I have been caught up in a lot of stuff. Moving, hiring maids, being sick, being hot, being happy, being overwhelmed and stressed, finals, more moving, spending money recklessly. Ya know. All that good stuff.

They got me a new monitor at work cuz I guess the old one broke sometime between the last day I was here (2 weeks ago) and yesterday. This one is super cool... no actually, its not. Its a flat screen one... are they all flat screens anyway? I don't know. I've tried playing with the brightness and contrast, but still its a little wonky on my eyes and is forcing me to wear my glasses more than usual. But thats okay because I drove straight up here from Monterey this morning and don't have on any make up and I look like shit that got run over twice and they kinda cover that.

And nobody here has said anything about my blue hair yet... which is kinda cool. Yes. My hair is blue. I did it black because I was trying to cover up the fact that my roots were growing out from that bright ass red which turned a faded pink over time. I used Fudge in "Black is Black" which is a semi-perm dye. If I had used the permanent kind I would have never heard the end of it from Dustin... my hair guy. So yeah... with each shampoo it gets bluer and bluer. And everyone compliments me on it. Even though I hate it, I've grown quite fond of the compliments. Kewl.

Guess who's getting married...


Yes. Within the next year. Mark my words.

I listened to this CD that Darin made me a long time ago that I had never really listened to before and it was fuckin' awesome! I don't know who's on it with the exception of some Alkaline Trio, Tiger Army and Erasure... because he doesn't give me track listings most of the time and I'm not one of the hip kids. But I was totally rockin out in the car on the way up and fell in love with this one song by this chick who sings about this guy who she can see from her windows and she watches him in the shower and stuff. I need to ask Darin who that is. It's got banjo in it and she sings stunningly.

The new Dropkick album has me very dissapointed.

This period seems never ending.

Yadda yadda yadda.

Ramble ramble.

I'm a busy body.

There was so much I wanted to say here. But now I've forgotten.

I really wish all of the shit from my apartment would just sprout legs and walk itself over to the new place, up the stairs and into my apartment. It's hot as ass here. No less than 90 at 11 in the morning. I have to get out of here. Be near the ocean again tonight. Or maybe just crash at my moms place with my kitties. Lounge about in the air conditioning. Damn. It's hot. The only reason I want to be at work right now is because its air conditioned. And for that, I say God Bless LinoGraphics.

You guys, I am SO happy right now. On cloud nine. My future seems to be so bright and I just see the red carpet being rolled out further and further in front of me. A lifetime of joy and of love and magical moments and happiness. It's taken a lot out of me, but its been completely worth it. I'd do it again in the blink of an eye.

And thank you all for all of your support.

10:59 am - Friday, Jun. 27, 2003


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