lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Once upon a time...

Once upon a time I used to write in this here online diary daily. I was telling my friend Dori about it as we walked around San Francisco for her 28th birthday.

She was telling me how as we walked around, she kept thinking of ways that she could describe what we were doing for the sake of her myspace blog readers.

I mentioned that I used to so looking forward to writing daily. Complaining about this and that and waiting for my amazing diaryland companions to leave me comments in my guestbook.

Things were different then. That was before... MYSPACE *DUN DUN DUNNNNN*

Myspace is a whore. Or, at least, most of us are whores for myspace. I feel dirty. I miss the days of actually putting all of my thoughts down somewhere.

I tried writing in a real journal again for a while but my hand got tired after a couple of pages. That's sad.

Diaryland was also big for me when I was working as an admin at that job where I did very little. These days I come in and the next time I look at the clock its 3pm and its almost quittin' time. I love my job now, I can't complain. But I think I need to stick with the Doogie Howser routine and make this a nightly thing.

I went to the gym tonight with Dori and Cyn. It felt good. I need to cancel my gym membership at the one I currently don't go to as it was next to my old house. That part of town creeps me out now. I never went to Santa Clara before I lived there and now driving down the streets just feels weird and sad. So yeah. I have a free gym membership through work at the one close to my office and as soon as I cancel my one membership I think I'll feel a lot better about joining this new one. It's within walking distance of my house and I have to gym buddies that will encourage me to go. One of them is getting married and the other is in the wedding. They're under a lot of pressure to get fit so I'll just tag along and pretend I have something that I need to squeeze into a dress for.

Mostly with all the stuff that's been floating around in my head lately, I just feel really sad and crummy all the time and I don't want to feel that way anymore.

Boys. Why do I always find myself here when there's something going on with a boy.

UGH. So over it.

Anyway. Need to shower... or do some Yoga. Or something.

9:57 pm - Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2006


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