lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Car Trouble

Once again reporting that work is extremely busy. Busy to the point where you don�t even think about posting journal entries. And yet I feel I need to. Because up until about February, I was quite diligent about posting daily. Sometimes even twice daily. I guess it was one of those phases I went through. Or maybe it was just the fact that I was going through some rather tumultuous times and then I lost home internet access.

This last week has been good. I have been working a lot, but its been good busy work. My coworker was whisked away to London by her husband last week leaving me with a majority of the work and some more interesting projects than usual. Max managed to save my ass on a Flash project that I was having some trouble with and that was keeping me on my toes as well.

sKuba and I have been doing really well. My mom even invited him to Thanksgiving dinner. I have realized that what I thought was compromise, was me still being resentful towards him when I wasn�t getting my way. Damn, I�m a brat. But we all knew that. I am spoiled. But he�s rotten, too. So I guess that�s why we mostly work.

Dave and I went to a Slackers show last Wednesday and then I went to another Slackers show Thursday. The first one we attended with Ky and Dave�s friend Sarah (who is the cutest, sweetest thing you ever did see or meet). The second I met up with Darin, Jamie, Sammy, Max and Co. to drive up there and once there saw Bosco, Bruce, Amber and tons of other folks I had missed terribly. I have pictures, but not enough time to post them. I even have video. It�s quite wonderful. The shows were amazing. I got to see some of my old friends from Danny�s band. The guys that I never get to see anymore. I wonder if they report back to him. I wonder if he even cares. I know he does, but� whatever. It�s just nice when they�re still cool around me despite the break up. They�re good guys. I miss them. They�re still family.

Okay, so yeah.

I�ve been here since 8am. I usually start at 9:30. Yesterday I was here at 7:30am. Fuck that. I�m getting all dizzy from staring at the monitor and my glasses aren�t seeming to help. I need to make an appointment for an eye exam. They called to tell me it was time.

Speaking of random phone calls, I received one yesterday from my aunt Lisa in Texas. That side of the family NEVER calls me. She is so awesome. She called to remind me about my grandparents 50th anniversary party. They�re going to be renting a ballroom of some hotel� probably the Galvez or something, and all of the family is going to be there. So, of course, they want me there as well. It�s just strange, the thought of it, because I don�t really know them. Its hard to remember sometimes that we�re related. My real father�s sisters and brothers and nieces and nephews. And my sister. Gosh. I have a little sister that I hardly even know.


Aaaaaanyhoo. That�s enough for this entry. I started it this morning and am just know trying to add more at 4:15.

Skuba needs my car again tomorrow. Blast!

4:21 pm - Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2004


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