lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Zippity doo daa...

Whew! Bless me! I love sneezing.

So KIDS! I am in a much better mood today. I got my homework done last night and I am SO pround of myself. I watched the MJ interview and was not very proud of him. I didn't go to the show which was like, minus 10 points. BUT! I did hear that the shirts I designed were a hit and that all the guys wanted them in regular boy T-shirts! Christians extending the budget to allow for more shirts as we speak. Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Hod diggity dawg! I love it when things I make go over well.

Speaking of things I make going over well, I 'spoke' to my online web-design course instructer via her virtial office hour on instant messenger. She told me that she really loved the design I came up with and was not going to mark me down for being late on the assignment because as far as she was concerned I was still very much ahead of the game. All this even though I totally botched the assignment! How cool is this?

I feel this huge weight being lifted off of my shoulders as people realize that I'm not lazy or unmotivated, just technologically challenged and I let my artistic side get the best of me.

My boss has been coming into the office every day ON TIME meaning I don't have to tell everyone that he's not in yet or taking messages or making emergency calls to him on his cell phone asking where so-n-so's job is. Its been so great.

I'm slimming down, I'm shaping up, and things down seem like they're going to collapse in on me right now. It's quite strange really and I'm not sure what to make of it all. I'm sure this high will subside along with the realization that I'm totally broke, my house is covered in cat hair, and there are still plenty more assignments to be finished. Oh well. At least its good right now.

I came into work late this morning because I decided to sleep in. When Danny has had anything to drink, his snoring seems to be 10x worse. He work me up repeatedly througout the night. That coupled with sinus hell made me feel like it just wasn't worth getting up early. I came into work around 10:30 just as the Head Honcho was leaving. Good Deal.

Thoughts of poor Ky out there in the middle east still dwell in my mind but reassurance from him mom have quelled my worrying.

Everything (as of this moment) just seems really bright and sparkly.

Don't you just love days like these? I sure do.

(if yoy haven't already, be sure to check out the entry that prefaced this one... there are strange pictures to be seen there.)

11:27 am - Friday, Feb. 07, 2003


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