lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Boys Suck Ass.

Oh man. I'm watching Full House reruns. How bad is this? I just ate a whole pizza by myself. My period sucks ass. It's gonna be here tomorrow. Sonofabitch. Makes me eat like a cow.


Nutshell: Dave and I are off. He's still too hung up on his ex.

Anthony and I are WAY fucking off. He's spreading all kinds of rumors about me and Dave and its really strange. Like, we're the talk of the town now even though half the stuff we're doing isn't even true.

Patrick and Bosco are cool. I go out drinkin with them at The Pig and Trials and they buy me drinks and roses and come eat with me at Kirks. Rad.

School: My drawing teacher is good. I haven't even begun the work for my other class; my flash class.

I got a parking ticket today. Then I bought a parking permit. And aI also got my petitions for substitute classes. Now I just have to go see a councelor.

I went grocery shopping today and spent 170 dollars. That put me at -20 dollars. Nice. Then I deposited a small check and had to get gas and transfer some of savings into my checking. Reason this is bad: I need that money to pay for the taxes I wasn't being charged on my 1099 tax form. Fuck.

I did clean today. That was nice.

Christian exploded at me today. I think he was having a bad day and it ended up getting dumped on me. I designed a badass flyer for their next show and he wanted me to put the genre of music they play and told me to put "latin beat" at the end of it, and I told him it sounded lame and he told me to "fuckin forget it. [He's] sick of [my] shit and has been holding it in for a long time." He claims that everytime he asks me to do something I huff and puff. Um. What? Because of me they have merch, a banner, cool band photos, press packages, etc. I sit and listen to him go off about whatever flavor of the week he's hanging out with like, CONSTANTLY. He didn't invite me to his new years eve party even though I'm one of his best friends and he called to see if he could borrow a video for said party although he wasn't planning on inviting me...

Man. What a jerk off. We have a love/hate relationship. He's like my brother. This still doesn't make up for the fact that he REALLY hurt my feelings. So I called Danny and Danny's gonna use the flyers regardless. What a fucker.

*sigh* Lisa Bonet is so hot.

Scott and I went to go see the Suicide Girls at the Blank last week.

Me and Scott.

It was alright. Kinda sucky.

I went to a Shark's game with Debbie (my old best friend from high school's mom) last night. That was also alright. Kinda sucky. They lost. But the boys took me out afterwords.

And thats about all she wrote. For now anyway.

10:10 pm - Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2004


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