lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Porch Swings

Come. Partake in the joy that is the porch swing.

man. There is a very wistful feeling in Diaryland today. Wee's entry today was pretty great. She mentions porch swings. In fact, this is what she wrote:

� I would like to be swaying on a porch swing, dusk falling, somewhere Southern and balmy, listening to crickets and watching fireflies twinkle and dart.

Doesn't that sound just wonderful? Porch swings and summer nights are the stuff of my dreams. Transports me back in time to my midwestern childhood. Omaha and Galveston.

So yeah. Today is really slow and nice. Its about 74 degrees outside and I'm wishing I was in Santa Cruz. Maybe I can convince Danny to take me there tonight. I wonder if the boardwalk is open this time of year. Hm.

In response the guestbook entries I was receiving regarding my last diary entry, I'm feeling a little lost. Did I really make it sound like it was the beginning of the end? I didn't think that that was the direction this whole thing was heading, but now I have doubts. In my head it was just a conversation between two people who love eachother very much and are uncertain about what the future holds. But then I got to thinking... maybe it was an awakening of some sort. It's all a little too much for me to think about right now. It saddens me to an extent that goes beyond the depth of words or anything so simple. I talked to my mom about it this morning on the phone and she told me that it was just a sign of maturity that some people don't aquire until they're 40 something. My mom is so cute. She really is my best friend. Its like, I know everything will be ok when I have her to clear it all up for me. But I don't know. I love Danny very very much. Whatever happens happens. I just don't want him out of my life. Not any time soon. Not ever.

Alicia and I talked about it when we were in the gym last night. She and I are really starting to break the surface with our friendship. She's one of those people that I see all the time, but we never used to hang out on a one on one basis. Our boyfriends were in the same band and we would attend the same social events. Now we actually get to talk. We have a lot in common. Although it doesn't really solve anything and I don't really get any mindoggling insights or revelations, its still nice just to have that girl talk.

Will and Grace, Friends, and Good Morning Miami took up most of my night last night. They were all new. I love those shows. I think I'm addicted to them. Uh oh. Danny brought home chocolate cake and we grubbed on it. The milk we had was bad though. We had to drink water. That sucked.

This morning a jackhammer, Danny's snoring, and whiskers up my nose welcomed me to my day. It was pretty awful. I woke up at 8. Thats way early for me. I usually get up around quarter till, slap on some clothes and mascara, try to make my hair not look like hell and saunter into work about 10 minutes late. I'm so bad that way. But its LinoGraphics. C'mon now.

Sean should be bringing me a Subway sandwhich any minute now. All I've had to eat today was cottage cheese. Eh.

Did you know that the old singer from that band Silverchair and Natalie Imbruglia are engaged?? Trippy.

Ok kids. I'm gonna go work or something. HA HA HA HA HA! Whew. I crack myself up.

12:53 pm - Friday, Jan. 17, 2003


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