lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Queen of Procrastination

Tis true. I am the queen. I can find anything and everything available to do in any confined space just to avoid doing what I am supposed to be doing. That is my crown. Isn't it pretty?

Look what I just bought:

Pretty cute for one little Lydia Ladybug wouldn't you say? IT was only 16 bucks over at Delia's so I couldn't resist. I ordered shoes from them once a few years back and my mom still gets the catalog delivered on a regular basis. If it weren't for them having really cute ladybug goodies, I'd have it stopped. He he he.

For Christmas I aquired several new ladybug items. Would you like to know what they were? Ok, I'll tell ya.

1. Ladybug slippers

2. 2 ladybug mugs (with black polka-dots on the outside rim and a little ceramic ladybug crouched at the bottom for when you're done drinking your hot or cold beverage and aren't expecting that little surprise!)

3. A little ceramic bud vase handmade in Santa Cruz by some hippie woman that Debbie and Michael found.

4. One of those Italian charm bracelets with ladybug charm already included

5. A velvetine ladybug ring box (no ring included)

And I think that was all for this year. People are so cute... they always say, "Lydia! I saw this ladybug _____ and it totally made me think of you!" Then comes the excuse of why they didn't pick it up. Silly folks. Gotta love em.

Kitties have discovered that if they push on the screen, it can be used as a scratching post and it won't fall out. I just know its going to one of these times and have to keep a close eye on the boys these days. My little monkeys. They really are fun. Makes me scoff at those entries where I was so desparate for a kitten. Now I've got two. Remember those?

Danny just came home for the rest of the day. I love it when he actually gets time off on the weekends. Reminds me of the good ol' days when we were care free and newly in love. We used to spend our weekends taking trips, seeing movies, visiting graveyards (my secret obsession), going out to eat at nice places. It was great. We didn't live together and were making more money. We could afford all of those things back then. Oh well. We made some sacrifces so that we could live together. Overall, I still think it was worth it. Getting to snuggle up to him every night is pretty great.

I have to do homework today and I'm doing everything in my power to avoid it. Talking on the phone to Darin, watching TLC and the Gameshow Network, playing with the kitties, eating cereal, contemplating going to the gym, and ordering ladybug crap online. Really Lydia. Get off it. First things first.

I even made myself a cup of coffee to help get me up and motivated. The ladybug mug I was drinking it out of spurred this whole thing.

Ok. Here I go. For real. Going to get this done. Bye.

1:28 pm - Sunday, Jan. 19, 2003


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