lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Enough about you, lets talk about ME.

I survived this weekend and today. Can you believe it? My life seems to be a set of extreme highs and extreme lows as of late. A lot of unwanted and unnecessary stress being conjured up by myself. School, Danny, Ky, School, Work, School, my weight, homework, school, etc.

And what's up with this year's Valentine's Day you ask? Well, apparently since Danny feels that it's a super crappy commercialized holiday where men are forced to buy things for their wives and girlfriends, I won't be doing anything or receiving anything. Shitty huh? Why couldn't I just have a normal boyfriend? A robot programmed to celebrate all holidays according to the "Holiday Sell-Out Handbook for Middle class Americans"? Why? Why did I have to get the activist? Ugh. I just want fucking chocolate. And roses. And maybe a card. Or some jewelry or something. Gee whiz.

N-E Wayz (as we used to write on our notes freshman year of highschool) my teacher didn't come down on me as hard as I thought he was going to. He didn't totally bag on my design. He had a few suggestions but didn't tear into me as badly as a few others. I'm just glad to have that shitty project done with. I even did it wrong. I added the faux website to the presentation board although it was to be submitted separately. He wasn't too clear on that so I just figured I'd be safe rather than sorry. Eh. Whatever man. Onto the next project! This next one's gonna be cool. We have to make a couple of posters featuring a famous/infamous person with a single descriptive word. One poster has analigous(sp) colors and the other with complimentary colors. I am so using Marilyn or Lucille Ball or someone cool. I love things that give me artistic freedom. YAY!

DUDE. Some guy totally stopped me at school today to tell me how much he loved my hair. The thing that's so amazing about this is the fact that I woke up this morning around 10, didn't brush it, worked on homework until 1:45 or so, and then took off to school. Totally not even thinking about doing my hair or fluffing it up or even showering for Godsake. I was so embarrased but it was kinda doing a cute flippy thing at the bottom so I guess it was ok. It's getting so long. But regardless, it was so flattering! He was really cute, too. Couldn't tell if he was straight or not, but he was totally smiley and adorable. He comes up to me while I'm standing in line to get food and tells me, "I just had to tell you how AWESOME your hair is. So you just color the underside one color and the top another? It looks SO good." I promptly showed him how Dustin (pronounced Duthtin) works his magic; gathering up the top part in a ponytail and coloring all of the underside. It was pretty great.

Then this "special" girl told me she liked my tattoo. Something about me today was just attracted compliments left and right. Strange. Even the ego-freak Philipino guy in my Bio class was being extra friendly. Telling me I'm too smart to be an "artist"... he he. What's that supposed to mean? Dur.

My one web teacher wrote to me and told me that my "Assignment 3 is now good" and I got 20 out of 20. SWEET. I really am to hard on myself.

Random side note: The lady on the news is saying "The dogs like finding dead people because they get rewarded!" Um. Yeah. I'm sure they do lady. Specially trained dogs that find dead people under water. Grrrrreat.

Back to shameless self promotion-

My other web teacher totally gave me a shout out in her weekly class update. I don't do my shit on time, I screw up what I do do, I'm constantly bombarding her with "HELP ME" emails, and she still loves me. I rock.

My energy bill check hasn't cleared even though I sent it on the 4th. Grrrr. I hate it when these things happen. We're gonna get late fees now. Shoot.

I think I'm done whining for the moment. I'll let you know if I find anything else that I should share. In the mean time, I have to go email some folks.

Snoochie boochies.

11:00pm - Monday, February 10th 2002


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