lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Ramblings of a bored girl...

So, everyone has been really good about posting "Goodbye June Carter Cash" entries. Everyone but me. I'm mostly sad for Johnny and hope that this doesn't cause any further illness on his behalf. Poor ol' bugger.

Yesterday was an odd day. Work kept me busy ALL DAY, which was great cuz it made time fly, but I didn't get to eat (except for Twinkies) until 5. Then when Danny got home he wanted to go eat, but HELLO, Friends and Will & Grace were having their season finalies. Yeah, I'm a TV whore that way. So we went and ate at 10pm over at B@ker's Square and it was really good, but I wasn't as hungry as I usually am and couldn't fully enjoy the bomb-ass Honey Mustard drenched salad. Eh.

And then there was the eclipse which was super cool. Something about it made me want to stare at it for hours. It's a shadow on the moon, but its so much more. It makes me realize how truly amazing the universe is. Big spheres covered in humanoids and rocks. When I start thinking about it in too much depth, I start trippin out really bad on how vast the universe is. Yikes.

So, Danny caught a cab this morning and was off to El Centro to visit his familia. They're all going to head down to Mexico and spend a couple of days at the beach. Danny decided that it would be best for him to go by himself, and since I was kinda preoccupied anyway, I didn't really want to go. I have the house to myself this weekend and Roxanne is coming home from Tennessee, so I think we're going to have a little pre-birthday adventure for Tatiana at mi casita. RAD. I'm going to try to get all of my homework done during the days so that I can party harty at night. I think living all by my lonesome is really going to make me happy.

I was talking to my chiropractor about it yesterday, telling him that I was finally going to get my own place, and it was like I had opened the flood gates. He was so supportive and kept doting on the fact that I'm so sophisticated and wonderful and how much I'm going to learn and grow from this experience. I think I was blushing. He's so sweet. I've been getting support all around for making this decision. And it was actually the kind words of Neko that helped me come to this decision. So thanks Neekster. You're always good for some solid advice. :o)

The Alhambra guy came in this morning and I had a nice brief conversation with him...regarding our water delivery scheadule. It was as if he'd been waiting for me to say something to him. He quickly pulled up a chair and made himself right at home. Kinda cute. Usually he's just in and out and kinda diverts his eyes. I think I scare him. :o)

And in other work related news, Beth, one of our clients, came into day to pick up a job and we had the best conversation. We talked for almost an hour about old buildings and highschool reunions and about how she and her hubby met in highschool and how long they've been married. She's always a fun one to talk to. Well, when she's not irritated with us. He he.

I wonder where I put that 10 bucks I had in my back pocket last night. I also wonder why it decided to get ugly today... I think its because I decided to wear my cute little Marilyn Monroe sleevless top. Bastard!

12:17 pm - Friday, May. 16, 2003


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