lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Happy 2005


C'est moi.

Post-NYE suckage.

Got in a small argument with the bf last night and ended up spending an uneventful evening with my folks, some brownies, dessert wine and "Stepf0rd Wives". It worked out just fine, I suppose.

I don't have a hangover. I didn't say or do anything stupid or vomit anywhere. I stayed warm and I got home safe.

It's been raining here for the past few days and for some reason I am still not comfortable driving on slick roads in my new car. I just don't feel safe.

The iPod is currently playing any Alkaline Tri0 I have downloaded on my computer. I was never a big Trio fan due to the fact that one of my high school boyfriends was retardedly into them and when I got back from Europe he was wearing this shirt of theirs that was uglier than sin. My least favorite shirt of his and he wore it to greet me after not seeing me for nearly a month. The bastard. He knew I hated it. But the shirt was probably only adding insult to injury as I had been over him for a while. Ew! And to make it worse, he had been at an outdoor concert a couple of days before and had this GROSS sunburn... EW! So gross.

Okay, enough of that. I'm all growns up now. such talk is for the YM crowd.

I started to take down my decorations off the tree but my tree is huge and half of the ornament boxes have been tossed thanks once again to the genius of boys. It�s so sad looking when you take off all of the shiny little balls and santa clauses. Its gotten to the point where its not brown, but the needles are brittle and the bottom of the tree looks sparse and bony. :o(

It�s one of those days where I have nothing to do and nobody to do nothing with. The boyfriend is working� I think. I have no idea. Max is out of town. Any body else that I would want to spend time with is out of town.

The place needs cleaned and I really want to just overhaul this joint and re-build and reorganize. April will be a year here and now is about the time when I start to get bored with a place. I have residential A.D.D. I kinda want to go shopping with some of my Christmas gift certificates, but have decided against it as I do not wish to shower, spend money, and I need to stay here and get the place together. I have noticed that my diary entries usually feature at least one of the following reoccurring themes: poverty, disorganization, boredom and/or discontent with my relationship.

I think this is because the only time I write is when I am bored and have down time for one of the above reasons. I used to write for fun. Man. What happened?

Starting Monday my schedule becomes rather hectic. I have taken up *coughjazzerzisecough* on Monday and Wednesday evenings. I start work at 7:30am every morning and have class four days out of the week. In order to maintain my hours, I have to start at 7:30. On Mondays and Wednesdays I leave work at noon and have school from 12:30-3:10. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have work from 7:30am to 5pm and then school from 5:30 to 8:30. Bah. Almost done though. And I was officially accepted to San Jose State as of Christmas Eve. I am stoked. It�s all about just getting this over with.



Back to cleaning and eating and loafing.

Love you. Bye.

1:03 pm - Saturday, Jan. 01, 2005


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