lydibug's Diaryland Diary



Happy Cinco de Mayo, pinches.

Me. 2 weeks ago.

Well hello there! How have you been?

My life has been rather interesting lately. Still having to deal with this whole Steve thing. We're entering our third month of trying to rid my life of him. It's had me sad, angry, frustrated, depressed, pissy and pretty unhappy. However, in this time, I have also come to realize what wonderful friends I have. They have been nothing but supportive of me; offering to house me and calling to check on me all the time. Wanting to know if there is anything that they can do to help. It's a pretty amazing feeling realizing that there are so many people that love you and care about you and your well being. So I guess it hasn't all been bad.

This weekend I am headed out of town to check out a city where I may or may not find myself living within the next few months. I have never been to Arizona, and the thought of living there scares me. I have heard nothing but good things about it, however, and figure with lots of sunscreen and air conditioning it could possibly work out just fine. The cost of living is cheaper and the job offer is a once in a lifetime sort of thing. I am both excited and nervous about the trip. It might be one of those life changing thigns.

I went to a palm reader a couple weeks back and she told me she saw a career change in the near future. She also told me that I could not be afraid of trying new things. Other things she told me:

� Not to worry about my love life. I would have a happy marriage with someone who I have not yet met
� I will have two children
� I have a long life line
� Someone in my family is sick, but will be getting better within the next two months
� She sees some good financial days for me on the 18th, 19th and 20th of either June or July. I forget which one she said. Damn.
� She see's two important new people coming into my life. One in July and one in October. ... was it October? yeah, I think so.

Anyway, it was really neat. I left feeling really good. I had never been to a palm reader before and I kinda wanna go back to get my terot cards read. I told my mom about it and she said she was afraid of what the terot cards might say. Then she told me that her friend had shown her how to read them when she lived back in Texas and that she was giving readings at a fair one day when the death card came up. Instantly she went into labor with a stillborn.

How fucked up is that?

Isn't is strange the things your parents never tell you and then in some random confession they blurt out something that kinda makes you view them differently? My mom is rad.

but SHHHH. keep that on the download folks. ;o)

I have the warmest heaviest kitty sitting on my lap right now. His head is resting on my right hand as i type this. It bobbs up and down with every keystroke and he doesn't seem to care.

I went to the girl doctor about a month ago. I got a letter in the mail last week that kinda scared me. I have to start going in every three months now. I'm less than thrilled. It's not an STD or anything, but its still unsettling. You just don't want to hear that there is something potentially wrong with you. Something that may be nothing, but that you have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't turn into anything life threatening.

See what I mean about my life lately? Gee whiz.

Anyway. Back to happier things. Next weekend I go to my step-sisters wedding in South Carolina, then its Matt and Melinda's engagement party in Santa Cruz the following weekend and New York for memorial day!! June is Vegas and July: Seattle. I love traveling.

Thanks to my *shudder* student loan, *shudder* I can afford to.

Oh man.

11:59 am - Thursday, May. 05, 2005


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