lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Yadda yadda yadda

So last night was a long night. I dwelled on my usual dwellings and stayed up for nearly an hour after I had gone to bed thinking about things that don�t really need to be thought about. Analyzing things in my usual Virgo fashion that don�t need to be analyzed. I shed a confused tear or two and eventually drifted off into a restless sleep. It hasn�t hit me yet, how truly tired I am, but I�m sure its just a matter of time.

I wrote my usual letter this morning and sent it off diligently, as I have been doing for the past month or so. Trying to keep him in good spirits. I included a really neat quote I found from somebody regarding photographs and their place in time. I thought it was applicable to the situation.

But onto other thoughts. Do you ever feel like you�re just another body on the face of the planet? No matter how smart or funny or talented or beautiful you are, really, you�re no different than millions of other people. Why would anyone single you out? What makes you special? There are tons of other people to choose from. Why you? Why you getting accepted instead of someone else? Who knows. Not I, said the fly.

At night, when trying to go to sleep, I think in writing. Yes, I think in writing. I think and I think and I reformat things and try to think them as if they were written down and needing to be revised. And what�s odd is that my writing in my journal has been less than spectacular lately. I started this thing so that I could maintain my writing ability despite the fact that I�m not being forced to write in a class. I LOVE writing.

I am addicted to Cadbury Cr�me eggs.

Yesterday, I had a really intense and enjoyable conversation with my boss. You see, everyone I work with is from Iran. With the exception of Sean, our driver. Being from Iran, and having his own �24 hour Persian Broadcasting Network (Appadana International), I figured he would be able to give me some information about Islam and about government and why the religion has become such a seemingly dominant and evil force in so many people�s lives. He was very informative. He explained just about everything. I was really hung up on the fact that I wasn�t making the connection between Osama and Iraq. Like, how did we go from one to the other? I hadn�t been following closely enough. He shed some light on the whole �war on terrorism� issue and how we linked it all together. It just so happened that the first country went after had a large supply of oil� and well� I�ll leave it at that. It was such a great conversation and I got answers to most if not all of my questions. He even gave me a book: Musaddiq�s Memoirs which discusses the end of the British empire in Iran. This way I could get a better feel for how things are run in other countries and how these revolutions get under way. I�m really looking forward to wrapping my head around the subject and getting a better understanding of these things. After all, its what we�re sacrificing human lives for. I think its worth some effort on my behalf.

And actually, I think I�m done.

12:28 pm - Friday, Apr. 11, 2003


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