lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Tisk Tisk

So. Neko has a point. We souldn't let this whole "war thing" consume us. We should not sit glued to our televisions viewing filtered information and we should not begin stock-piling Costco size loads of shit in case the sky begins falling on us. But at the same time, I can't help but be a little ashamed of the U.S. President or the actions that my country is taking. No wait, I take that back. I'm not just a little ashamed, I'm terribly ashamed. "It's a shite state of affairs to be in Tommy". Especially when you see pictures of your friend in the middle east that his mom has sent over with the attached phrase, "I miss my Ky-puppy."

Ky, front right.

I just keep sending letters to let him know that what he's doing is admirable. I don't necessarily agree with it.. at all. But the selflessness is something that I don't think I could achieve. Not for W.

So my finals are here. Not sure how I'm gonna stack up, but have faith that what I've learned this quarter has been at least somewhat absorbed. It's gonna come down to the wire here pretty soon with all kinds of frustrating computer generated projects, but hopefull everything will go just swimmingly.

People are giving me shit around the office today for using the word "swimmingly". WTF? Its not only a valid word, its a great word. And despite what they think, it has nothing to do with the actual act of swimming. God. How do these people manage to run huge silicon valley companies?

And now, ladies and germs, just like old times, I give you.... the word of the day:




With great ease and success: Things are going swimmingly.

Beetlebum by Blur is on the radio. Excellent. Excellent. I'm about to pee my pants and my boss just stole the bathroom. Fuck. One bathroom in the whole place and I have to share it with a bunch of boys. Uuuuurgh.

P.S. In regards to what Wynd Spirit wrote in my guestbook, I wrote the following:

Yeah. You're right. It was a pretty backward thing that I said, and thanks to you pointing it out to me, I can now say that I was completely contradicting myself. It's true, it was the whole enlisting that I think is selfless. What he's doing now has nothing to do with his feelings about what's going on because really, he has no choice. But he enlisted some years back and did it because he wanted to serve his country. Regardless of who was in office. And THAT is a whole 'nuther can of worms. If I were in the president's position, who's to say what I'd do. And I'll just leave it at that. ;o) I need to educate myself more on the subjects at hand in order to make any bold statements.

12:19 pm - Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003


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