lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Do I get a lollipop?

So I survived the doctor's office yesteday. Had my little scanny scan done and they even managed to squeeze some blood out of me. I have tiny little veins that they always have to poke around at and re-stick me like, 3 or 4 times before they ever even get to a point where they think they can find something. It's always torture. But hey, the gay Filipino guy doing it this time made it a little more interesting.

After I did the CT scan, the man asked me questions like, "Have they done any tests to see if there was blood in your urine?". Now, after being run through this thing in a dark, still, silent room knowing that he's back there seeing things on his hi-tech computer scanning system, I kinda started to wonder. Do my insides look like they blew up or something? Why ask such questions sir? WHY?

And then of course they have these changing rooms that spit you right back out into the waiting room with your fashionable gown on. They should really think about changing that situation. You get naked, put on a this toally see thru piece of fabric (and of course I wore my loudest most obnoxious undies with little ladybugs on them that day), and make you parade right past all the waiting room people to get to the back. True, most of the waiting room people are old and half blind, but some aren't. Aaaaaanyhoo.... I get the results in 3-7 business days. Then of course there's the urine tests that still need to be done after Aunt Flow takes off. It's fun being sickly. NOT.

I slept really well last night after my phone call from Ky, my two Gordon Biercsh's and my 3 episodes of 6 Ft. Under. Dammit I love that show. I woke up headache free, which is always nice. I get to go see my happy fun chiropractor today so that'll prolly help.

My brother is going to get me a cool beanie from the flea market. LIke the kinda Gwen wears in that one video where they're riding bikes and its all 80's super fabulous looking. What video was that? The underneath it all video? Is it? Isn't that the one where she's jumping all over the bed in the end and totally stripping on the bed in the beginning? Is that all the same video? Wow. They're good. Anyway, yeah, that beanie. I think its cute.

Okay. I think thats all I have to say for now. Gonna go listen to some more Maroon 5 and eat some pineapple chunks.

Buh bye.

9:20 am - Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003


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