lydibug's Diaryland Diary



HAPPY CRAPPY Valentine's Day everyone!

I feel really bad right now. No, not the "oh, its v-day and nobody loves me and I hate myself" kinda bad. Achy and fluish bad.

I barely slept last night. Don't know why. I think I had a fever and I was tossing and turning. And then I had to pee at like, 5 in the morning. That sucked. Cuz you can't go back to sleep after you've gotten up just a couple hours before your real wake-up time. BUT! There is good news as well...

When I got up to go potty, I saw something in the sink. I had left all the lights off so as not to wake Danny up but I had to flash them on to make sure it wasn't some kind of deadly spider or rat that had crawled up through the drain ready to pounce on me at any moment. As my eyes adjusted for that split second, I noticed it was a pile of roses with a little card that said 'Love'. I was so tickled. It was like I had woken up and caught Santa Claus in the act or something.

So, this morning when I get up and go to hop in the shower (at 8:30 when I start work at 9) I noticed he had put some in the shower, too! They had a little card attached that said 'You'. OH! My Danny-doo! SO then I go to turn on the shower. I let it get hot and then go to get my towels off of the hook behind the bathroom door. Low and behold, more roses. These ones said 'I'. OMG. He had gotten up in the middle of the night and written 'I love you' on three separate cards and hidden them in the first place I go in the morning. HE IS ONE SNEAKY LITTLE DEVIL that one.

I gave him lots of hugs and kisses, got ready for work, and went to leave. When what should I see, but MORE roses on top of the coat stand. 'Lydia'. 'I Love You Lydia.' People, for such a booger, he really can be quite the sweetheart.

I feel loved. I also feel tired and hurting. That's right. I feel hurting. And I don't want to be at work.

They were playing Johnny Cash's rendition of NIN 'Hurt' when I started writing this. Now it's No Doubt's 'Underneath It All'. Hmm. There seems to be a theme. And the theme is LYDIA'S DAY.

Dude. I just realized how great Valentine's day used to be in elementary school. Remember that? IT was a whole day of piggin' out on cupcakes and cookies and making your own little valentine mailbox. And then everyone in your class passed out valentines. And some kids would actually write everyon's names and others just wrote generic ones. I remember our teachers used to give out a class list so that we could make a valentine for everyone. OH! I miss that so much! I did get valentines from my cousin, Jennifer, and my friend Nicole this year. My most thoughtful girlfriends. Gotta love em.

Jenny got me a hot pink card with a ladybug on the front. She also enclosed a couple of pictures from New Years. Nic sent me a Pooh Bear valentine with a nice little letter. She's so darling that girl.

I just called Ed. The T-Shirts are done. He ROCKS.

K. I'm going to go find lots of lovey dovey pictures to post on today's entry. But before I go, I'd like to give a shout out to my homegirl Laura who's birthday is today. You should all go tell her Happy Birthday. At least it's not Christmas. Folks that have their birthday's on holidays always seem to get jipped somehow. People try to pull the ol' two in one trick. Bunk. So go see her.

9:43 am - Friday, Feb. 14, 2003


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