lydibug's Diaryland Diary



I woke up this morning with a bad headache. I think its from sleeping on my stomach with my head cranked too far to one side. My neck is all stiff. Meh.

I think I need to kick it with the beer for a while. For the past week its been me, the random assortment of left over beers from friend's visits, the couch, my cats and episodes of that program I'm addicted to. Hello? How old am I? I'm not a 50 year old man, right? Okay. Just checking.

I miss Ky. So I try to hang out with my friends instead, but lately only my guy friends have been around. So what do I do? I sit around and drink beers. I drink beers with Darin, with Sean, with Chris and then tonight my OTHER friend Sean is supposed to come over... and guess what we'll probably end up doing. Yep. Drinking beer and shootin' the shit. Man. I need to reduce my caloric intake. This has to stop. I need my girlfriends. Speaking of my girlfriends, (ahem) I bought the new People with Angelina Jolie and her baby, Maddox, on the cover. That child is the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen in my life. Mohawk and all. And Angelina, well.... enough said.

But seriously, speaking of friends who are girls, Shirley moved up to Portland yesterday and I didn't get to say goodbye except via a cell phone message yesterday afternoon. Then Roxanne goes back home on the 31st and Jenny leaves the 15th of August. Regina was only here for like, a weekend, and well, I'm really sad that they're not all in one place again. Tatiana and Mary are here, but they're always so busy with their boyfriends or working or whatever. Not that I'm not, but still. Why can't they just all live here again? Thats all I ask.

Sheesh. I'm sleepy. I've been drinking that Iced Java stuff with milk in the mornings and its pretty good stuff. Puts something on my tummy so that I'm not starving for the first few hours of work. Can't tell if it really has any kind of caffeine in it.

Bonnie Raitt is lulling me to sleep. She can't make me love her if I don't.

I miss Ky. I miss Danny. Both in different ways. Darin said he'd hung out with Danny twice last week. I miss hanging out with him. As a friend. As my best friend. He's good people.

I miss Ky because he hasn't called in 3 days. or 2. Last time I talked to him was Sunday morning. Wonder what he's up to.

Okay. I made a list. A completely superficial and girly list of things I would like to get done before I go to Vegas. Feminists, stop reading here.

1. Manicure/Pedicure

2. Hair Cut/Color

3. Eyebrow and Bikini Wax

4. Take certain capris/ dresses to cleaners

5. Hit the gym at least 3 times

6. Ideally, get a tan... yeah right

7. Shop (with the money I don't have) for some cute little outfits to wear up and down the strip

oh, and then pack.

But I'm thinking I'll get maybe 3 of those things done. Probably the first 3. We shall see.

Work has been SO SLOW lately. Like, should I be looking for another job? slow. Yeah. That bad. And then I wonder why I have to be here every day at nine. I could be getting my beauty rest.

I'm whiney this morning. A regular Peg Bundy. Where the hell are my bon bons?

9:22 am - Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003


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