lydibug's Diaryland Diary


Haaaaaay hoooo haaaay hooooo

Diaryland has been slow lately. It must be January. People don't seem to care for January very much at all. They don't feel it noteworthy enough to record their daily lives in their journal's. I, on the other hand, have no personal opposition to January. Given, I do hate the cleaning up and undecorating after the holidays. My apartment walls seemed so damn empty when I took down all the stockings and cards and lights and my tree. I still have these two little snowflakes that I put up on the very top of my windows that need to get taken down. I can't reach. Danny has to do it but getting Danny to do anything is like pulling teeth. He's anti-authority. Anti-"the man".

Darin came over last night after work and we went and ate at Happi House. Yummy! It was his first time. How illicit. He he. He enjoyed it. He had Cherry Coke and seemed content. Then we headed on over to the store and picked up some cold beverages to enjoy at the house. When we arrived Danny was there making pizza. We lounged and watched Gameshow Network for a bit since I wasn't getting NBC for some reason. I missed Friends. I'm such a tool. I was irritated by this but my Wyder's Cyder (Rasberry flavored!) seemed to smooth it all over.

We decided to go see that movie 'Chicago' over at the not-so-Great Mall of the Bay Area. It was really good. Even as we were all coming down from our little buzzes. One of the first little numbers they do in the movie is a total chick empowerment song. As Darin noted, it makes you really appreciate fishnets for all they're worth. It was really entertaining. I give it 4 1/2 stars. Go see it. And Frida, too. Go see Frida. It's even more badass.

My old lady ass hasn't gone out in so long. It felt really great just to be free and not worry about money or school or getting up for work the next morning. Its like, GEEZ! I'm in my twenties. It's only gonna happen once. I might as well enjoy it while its here. Right? I just get so caught up in my big girl life that I lose focus on having fun and letting go every once in a while. The homework and work and money issues will all still be there the next morning. Might as well take a break. And I really miss going out with my friends. Seeing Melissa and Ruth the other night made me realize this. Every time I see them I get REALLY down on myself. I don't know what it is. Well, I do. But it would take a really long diary entry to explain it. Maybe I'll do that later. Anyway, It was really great to go out with Darin. I had missed him a lot.

I'll have to tell you the story of how Darin and I met sometime. He's the male version of me. Even our birthdays are within a day of eachother. Its weird.

Soooooooo yeah. I have bags under my eyes this morning and I'm in a really relaxed mood. I think I'm finally going to get the film for the shirts today. Finally. I was trying to design something fun yesterday but in the back of my mind I can just hear the guys bitching about how much they hate it and its really discouraging. I've asked them for their imput time and time again but have gotten jack-shit in return. So I guess its up to me to make the executive artistic decision. They'll just have to deal with it. I don't want to hear it.

There was also something very sad going on yesterday that I forgot to mention. This guy Tom who Danny knew (and who I knew through various connections but was not very close to)died last week sometime. He killed himself. He told everyone that he was going to L.A. and then cut himself up in his bedroom. His roommate found him a couple days later. Anyway, his funeral was yesterday. I wasn't sure if we should go. I just thought it was such a shame that he thought it would never get any better. He was dating this chick Lynette for a few years and I heard she's not doing very well. I guess their most recent break up really put him over the top. He was one of those guys who didn't have a family and Lynette was really his bright point. I don't know. I'm getting all depressed thinking about it. Didn't mean to bring you down folks. But it happened and I felt it necessary to remember and to write it down here.

In happier news, that project I was busting my girlballs on the other night turned out well. The whole web design class project thing. My teacher posted mine as one of the examples that people could go look at. Mine was the prettiest. I think that a lot of folks think that they can be designers. What they don't understand is that it takes some artistic talent. An eye for asthetic goodness. Some people just don't have it. I can't imagine. I've got another project due for the same class this Sunday. Wish me luck!

Okey dokey. I have to go bug people here. Just for shits and giggles. Im bored. I'm out this biotch. Late.

9:37 am - Friday, Jan. 31, 2003


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